Welcome to

Money Therapy

An inclusive, safe space where you will improve your relationship with money.

Free Money Dates, the Prosperity Circle™ group program and 1:1 Deep Dive Financial Counselling.
Based on my signature 7 Pillars of Money Management.

Empowering Women

to take control of their lives
through financial literacy counselling.

The 7 pillars of

Money Management

Overcome barriers, release money trauma.

Forget what you’ve heard about budgets.

Stop dreaming, start taking aligned action.

No more debt stress, take control of your money.

The key to your success is utilizing systems.

Learn how to put your money to work for you.

They don’t have to start from zero like you did.

Choose your path to

Financial Empowerment

Free Money Dates

Money Dates are free virtual group sessions where we come together to tackle money issues and get $hit done!

The Prosperity Circle™

A safe, supportive intimate group program that will transform your relationship with money forever! Next cohort starts in October.

The Prosperity Deep Dive

All the knowledge and empowerment of the group program in a one-on-one, private setting.  Start anytime!


Your Financial Counsellor

Pamela George

Hi! I’m Pamela George, and I’ve been exactly where you are now…

I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago where I lived the first 25 years of my life struggling and living in crushing poverty. I was subjected to bullying, humiliation, and abuse – all because I was poor.

So, how did I claw my way out of that to become the 6-figure CEO I am today? The answer to that is why I’m so passionate about the work I do helping women become financially empowered.

I love to help women

Like YOU!

Free resource:

The F*ck Off Fund Formula

The "F*ck Off Fund" Formula

The real secret to creating financial freedom in your life!

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