1-Day VIP Intensive

For the busy professional, or business owner, who needs to get it all done in a day.

Are you a busy female executive making over $150,000 a year?
But, even though you have money, you forget to pay your bills on time, or even at all?
Does your lack of money management skills make you feel out of control?
Does you financial situation make you feel vulnerable?

The 1-Day VIP Intensive is the ultimate form of financial selfcare. With no competing priorities or distractions, you will fully be able to focus on your finances.

You will be hosted at the luxurious Fairmont Chateau Laurier with refreshments and afternoon tea. We’ll work together to get an understanding your relationship with money, and build a Money Action Plan that is aligned to your goals and values.

At the end of the day you’ll leave feeling lighter, confident, and empowered. You’d have set yourself up to make your dreams come true!

Chateau Laurier



In our intensive 6-8 hour session together, you will be guided through the creation of:


$6000 in-person | $5000 online

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