Make Time For Money!
Let's Get $hit Done -Together.

The week has 168 hours. I asked my clients to spend 30 mins a week working on their finances

How many of those hours do you spend a week managing your money?

From what I hear, it’s probably a few minutes of rushing to pay a bill or checking to see if there’s enough money to cover an expense. This approach will not help you to take control and prosper when it comes to your finances.

It is for this reason, that I offer my FREE Money Dates twice a month.

We meet as a small group to get our money $hit done:

  • Get the support, safe space, and time you need to focus on your money and tackle one thing at a time.
  • Learn from mini-training on a wide variety of financial literacy and money-related topics.
  • Connect with other women who are also ready to improve their relationship with money.
three smiling women

Money Date

Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1 pm - 2 pm EST

Mini Training Topic: Business

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